Iowa City Hospital Stay #5 - Fevers - November 26-30

After going through the process of being put in a room (when the nurse asks me if I wear dentures, etc.), I was finally able to go to sleep. I wanted to say, that since I was just in the hospital less than three weeks ago, please use my answers from last time. Ha. But I knew that would not happen. Denise was able to visit me from 1 to 3 every afternoon. We noticed how quickly two hours go by compared to the four hours we had previously. Many hospitals do not allow any visitors, so we are grateful that she could visit me at all! On Thanksgiving Day, her family waited to have dinner until after our visit was over, instead of at 1 PM as they had planned. We took a "selfie" for Thanksgiving When I saw the doctor on Thursday, I asked what the criteria were for me going home. She said that I needed to be fever free for 24-48 hours. Out of my control, but now I know what they are looking for. And I missed turkey dinner at the hospital. They served it for lunch and stopped serving it...